Thursday, April 23, 2009

Garden Layout

After all the work in getting the new beds ready I thought I'd give you a list of what is actually growing in them and also, what is just around the corner...


So here is what is actually growing, today, in the garden (in the Ground)...or things waiting to be planted (And almost ready to go in the ground)


Bed Number In the Ground And almost ready to go in the ground:
Bed 1 Spunta Potatoes
Oak Leaf Lettuce
Bed 2 Courgettes
Dog Beans (Patrick)
Dwarf French Yellow Bean (Sarah)
Bari Cucumber (Kate)
Bed 3 Borlotto Beans
Wisley Magic Runner Bean
Purple Runner Bean (Sarah)
Black Turtle Beans (Kate/Toni)
Bed 4 Spunta Potatoes
Binjt Potatoes
Lollo Rosso Lettuce
Bed 5 Verte Grande Asparagus 
Argenteuil Selection Asparagus
Bed 6 Queensland Blue Pumpkin (Marie-Sylvie) 
Butternut squash (André)
Bed 7 Ananas Tomato (chaiselongue)
Geant Tomato (Gabriel)
Coeur de Boeuf Tomato (Marie-Sylvie)
Purple Ukraine Tomato (Miss Fuggle)
Veeroma Tomato (Miss Fuggle)
Golden Sunrise Tomato
Bed 8 Glasking Perpetual Rhubarb (Val)
White Lisbon Spring Onions
Lillia Red Salad Onion
Jaune Paille des Vertus Onion
Globe Artichoke
Bed 9   Melon Medley
Charentais Melon (M.Gary)
Bed 10 (a) Ian’s Red Cherry Tomato Yellow Cornos Capsicum (Kate)
Kaibi Round Pepper (Miss Fuggle)
Bed 11 Bok Choy Red Radicchio
Cavolo Nero (Kate)
Bed 12 Douce Provence Peas 
Dwarf French Green Beans (Sarah)
Yakon (Patrick)
Bed 13 (a,c,e) Longue d’Espagne Hazelnuts 
Salad Leaves
Radish (18 day)
Bed 14 - 24 These beds are not yet Constructed  
Bed 25 Groeseillier a Grappe Juniper Red Currant
Raspberries (André)
Bed 26 Zeva Raspberries
Magnific Delbard Raspberries
September Raspberries
Fall Gold Raspberries
Bed 27 Bay
Evergreen Shrub (Still to identify)
Deciduous Shrub (Still to Identify)
Bed 28 Cotoneaster Lacteus
Deciduous Shrub (Still to Identify)
Wild Flower Mix
Bed 29 Cotoneaster Lacteus
Kerria Japonica Pleniflora
Lagerstroemia Rouge
Wild Flower Mix
Bed 30 Evergreen Shrub (Still to identify)
Deciduous Shrub (Still to Identify)
Wild Flower Mix
SALAD GARDEN Oak Leaf Lettuce
Joy’s Cos Lettuce
Broad Beans
     Burgundy Creole
     Cuban Purple Creole
Ail Blanc de Lomagne
Salad Onions
Spring Onions
Marais des Bois Strawberry
Gariguette Strawberry
Batavia Lettuce
Wild Alpine Strawberry
Flat Leaf Parsley
Garden Cress
Garden Mint


The Salad Garden seems a bit strange now but it was originally the vegetable garden and it will become more salad oriented as we harvest the existing crops.

The layout for the new garden originally allowed 12 beds for expansion...but I have already pressed one into service to grow Hazelnuts (Bed 13) so there is space for just 11 more.

and here is a sketch plan of the new garden

planting summer2009


Jane said...

The layout looks amazing! Can't wait to see some photos. Congratulations.


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